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Wheat Crop


We have identified priority themes which will be taken forward through six Action Groups. These focus areas have come out of a wide stakeholder engagement process and will together create a food system where people and nature can thrive.

We will provide a coordination and support hub for people who are championing local growing in their communities. There are inspiring initiatives across the county, at all stages from conception to scaling up, ranging from community-supported agriculture schemes to street allotments.

Given the critical importance of land issues to the food sector and the huge impact of food production on the environment, the partnership will lead on reimagining farming as a partnership between people and nature sensitive to the needs of both, and which respects the right of future generations to enjoy the undamaged and unharmed the food production resources on which we depend today. We will support ‘land sharing’ approaches that combines food production with biodiversity and environmental goods, encouraging connection with nature and building capacity for adaptation and resilience to climate change.

To create a sustainable food system we must address the issue of food waste. More than a third of all food produced is wasted and 70% of food waste happens in our homes. Tackling food waste is the most effective way to reduce greenhouse gases. Partnership across the supply chain can reduce food waste and help people value food.

Consulting on Policy work with our local councils.

There is demand for local, seasonal produce, and recognition of the importance of building local food resilience. We will explore a range of ways to connect local producers and consumers to contribute to the creation of a vibrant, prosperous and diverse sustainable food economy.

There is a growing recognition of the importance of access to nature for everyone, people of all ages, including those who are mentally or physically challenged. Being on the land and able to engage in productive activities, or just be present with nature has multiple benefits on health and wellbeing. It also builds connection between people, their local landscape and food sources which can influence eating choices and engagement in wider environmental and place-based activities.

Everyone should have access to local, affordable quality food and the knowledge and skills to cook good food. We are closely aligned to Shropshire Food Poverty Alliance (SFPA), a multi-agency partnership, which leads on actions to tackle food poverty in the county.

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Volunteers Packing Food
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