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Shropshire Good Food Partnership
Our Vision is for regenerative food, farming and land-use systems.
Our Mission is to bring people together to create a local food system which is good for people, place and the planet.
We support the work of organisations across the county, catalyse new initiatives and collaborations, and enable joined-up innovative thinking to improve access to good food and
reimagine land stewardship.
We work in partnership with different stakeholders across the County
We provide a go to place for individuals and groups to access support and engage in networking on all aspects of setting up and managing community-based food growing, cooking and sharing initiatives.
We are a resource for land-based enterprises and food businesses. We support innovation and create opportunities to access local markets.
We engage across sectors to build an enabling environment for the local food economy.
Local Government:
We play a convening function, bringing together a range of stakeholder from across the county to engage on policy and planning and to work in partnership with to deliver goods and services.

We are a proud member of the Sustainable Food Places Movement.
Working across all aspects of the food system to solve some of today’s most pressing social,
environmental and economic issues. The Sustainable Food Places Network is a group of over 110 Towns, Boroughs, Cities, Regions and Districts taking on the transition to Good Food, for People, Place and Planet.

Thank you
We are grateful to Shropshire Council for funds to support the Scoping Initiative that has led to the development of this partnership.
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