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Creating Food Citizens of the Future

We are really pleased to have been awarded a Zero Carbon Fund Grant, in partnership with Let's Go Zero, to explore and implement a Schools Food Web across Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin. We are looking for 20 schools to take part in a School Food Audit. We would love to involve pupils, staff and parents in this and will create a roadmap that will help your school to decarbonise through food, offering workshops, mentoring, resources and micro grants going forward. With this you are encouraged to register for Let's Go Zero, kick starting adviser visits and further support.


If you are interested in how any of the below areas can help your schools journey to decarbonisation, please get in touch.

  • Growing - gardens supply ingredients for school meals & cookery classes

  • Procurement – more locally sourced produce into school meals

  • Cooking – skills and confidence in preparation of fresh food

  • Eating – taste-testing, discovery of new low carbon foods

  • Food waste – from valuing food to reducing waste and composting

Copy of Schools Food Web Infographic .png



Schools Food Web - Opportunities

Impact of the Schools Food Web

CO2e emissions reduction quantified from different activities

Local growing and gleaning: Contribution to school/home plate

Procurement: Percentage of locally sourced or sustainably produced
food items in school meals; energy consumption reduction
e.g. linked to food miles, seasonality, production practices

Cooking: Energy consumption during food preparation/ from shift in
food sourcing
Eating: Shift to local carbon foods

Food waste: Reduction in total weight/ volume of food waste

Behaviour change: Shift in attitude towards and adoption of climate
friendly food practices at individual, home and school level


Meet our workshop partners who are passionate about promoting healthy eating and sustainable food practices in schools across Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin. This workshop prospectus is currently available to those involved in the Schools Food Web project it will be available to all schools, will remain relevant and be continually developed after the the SFW funding has ended.  Please get in touch if you would like to be added to the prospectus.  If you would like to find out more information, please email;

The Prospectus

Kids in Vegetable Farm
Kids in Vegetable Farm

Partner Farms

Our partner farms would all be happy to welcome you for a visit, they can offer a wealth on knowledge and insight in to the food system, sustainability, agro ecological farm, agri-forestry and lots more


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Company number: 13773694

© 2023 by Shropshire Good Food Partnership
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Member of the Sustainable Food Places Network since 2022.  Bronze Award Winner

December 2023.

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